The Importance of Solar Panel Inspections After Storms

Posted on August 14, 2024.

Living in Central Florida, you've probably become accustomed to the unpredictable weather patterns we often face, particularly during storm season. But it's not just your home's roof and windows that bear the brunt of these powerful winds and torrential rains - your solar panels are also at risk from these harsh conditions.

This means that as a responsible solar panel owner, it's important to ensure that your panels are regularly inspected and maintained after any major storm or severe weather event. Not only will this help to ensure the longevity of your panels, but it will also ensure that they continue to operate at peak efficiency, maximizing your energy savings.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of post-storm solar panel inspections and offer some tips on how to properly maintain your panels to ensure their optimal performance. 

So, let's explore the key steps to take in the aftermath of a storm to keep your solar panels functioning at their best.


Understanding Solar Panel Storm Damage

When it comes to physical impacts, think of how Central Florida’s notorious storm season can bombard your solar panels. High winds, flying debris, and heavy hail can all wreak havoc. Imagine a tree branch flying through the air or hailstones pummeling down; these can cause cracks, dents, or shattering of the solar panel glass. Even if the panel doesn’t look visibly damaged, the underlying cells could be compromised. Moreover, debris impact can lead to misalignments or detachment from the mounts. Any disruption can significantly reduce the efficiency of your solar power system, resulting in poorer performance and, ultimately, higher energy costs. It’s why a thorough inspection after a storm is crucial—even the smallest crack can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Water damage is another concern that can’t be ignored. Your solar panels are designed to withstand the elements, but the relentless rainwater and flooding associated with storms can sometimes find its way into the system. Water intrusion can lead to corrosion, rust, and short-circuiting in the wiring and connectors. If water gets trapped within the panel, it can cloud the solar cells and reduce sunlight penetration, which diminishes efficiency. Let’s not forget that water pooling on your roof can add additional weight and stress, increasing the risk of leaks and structural damage. 

Last but definitely not least, debris accumulation is something you should keep an eye on. After a storm, it’s common to find leaves, dirt, and even small branches settled on top of your solar panels. This debris can obstruct sunlight, significantly reducing the efficiency of energy generation. Furthermore, organic material like leaves and twigs can retain moisture, which can contribute to long-term issues such as mold and mildew growth around the panels.


Preparing Your Solar Panels for Storm Season

Now, as we get into preparing your solar panels for storm season, it's important to take proactive measures to ensure solar panel storm readiness for your home. One crucial, yet often overlooked, first step is to secure your panels properly.

This may involve double-checking that all bolts and fasteners are tight and ensuring that the mounting system is stable. If your roof mounting points show signs of wear or loosening, it is advisable to tighten or replace them before the storm hits. You wouldn't leave your car in a garage with a broken door during a hurricane, so why neglect your panels? Additionally, consider installing protective covers designed specifically for solar panels. While these covers don't provide 100% protection against every conceivable type of storm damage, they do add an extra layer of safety against minor debris and moderate hail impacts. 

Another important aspect of storm preparation for your panels is trimming surrounding trees. Overhanging branches can act as dangerous projectiles in high winds or heavy storms, posing a major threat to your panels. Have a look around your property and identify any trees with branches that extend over your roof or near your solar panels. You don't have to cut down the trees entirely; simply trimming back the branches can reduce the risk significantly. Also, keep an eye out for particularly old or unstable trees that might be more susceptible to being uprooted in extreme weather. It's worth hiring a professional arborist to conduct this work to ensure it's done safely and effectively. 

Routine checks are just as important in maintaining solar panel storm readiness. These checks should be done regularly, but especially before storm season arrives. During these checks, look for any signs of wear and tear, loose connections, or any debris that could become hazardous in high winds. Pay attention to the seals and edges of your panels as well, as these areas are particularly vulnerable to water intrusion. 


Post-Storm Solar Panel Inspections

When it comes to proper solar panel inspections after a storm, here's what you need to focus on. First, start with a visual sweep to identify any obvious damage. Cracks, dents, or shattering in the solar panel glass are red flags you shouldn't ignore. Misalignments or detached panels from their mounts can go unnoticed at first glance but can lead to significant performance issues. If you spot any such damage, it's crucial to get a professional assessment immediately. However, even if your panels seem fine, hidden issues like microcracks in the cells or wiring problems can still be present and affect your system's efficiency.

Now, you might wonder, who inspects solar panels? Well, while homeowners can perform a basic visual inspection, it's generally advisable to engage a certified technician for a comprehensive review. These professionals have the right tools and expertise to detect less obvious issues, such as electrical faults, that can arise after a storm. Electrical faults can be particularly insidious, as they often manifest over time, gradually decreasing your solar panel's efficiency or leading to sudden electrical failures. A professional inspection covers the internal components, connections, and other areas that aren't typically accessible or visible to you.


Related - Which comes first? Solar Panel Cleaning or Roof Cleaning?


Wrapping Up

Regular post-storm inspections play a significant role in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your solar panels. By having a professional eye on your system, you catch issues early before they can escalate into costly repairs or efficiency losses. Notably, we can assist you in ensuring your panels are in optimal condition inside and out.

At SOLAR SOFT, our team thoroughly inspects for structural damage, potential electrical faults, and any other hidden problems that might hinder your system's performance. Swiftly identifying and addressing these concerns ensures your system continues to deliver the expected energy output, saving you money and prolonging the system's lifespan. Given how much your investment can impact your energy savings and overall home efficiency, trusting a reliable service to keep you safeguarded is paramount. We guarantee meticulous inspections that cover every aspect of your solar panels' condition, from physical damages to the more elusive issues like microcracks or water damage.

Maximize the performance and lifespan of your solar system with our expert services. Discover how we can elevate your investment and protect your assets today. For more detail or to schedule an inspection, feel free to reach out at [email protected] or call us at (855) 925 3267. Investing in proper maintenance helps you get the most out of your solar panels, ensuring they remain a brilliant asset for your home year-round.

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